Blog Archives

Reading and Writing Every Day

We’ve all heard you need to write every day. Have you thought about reading every day? Today I updated my links, and if you ever have the time, explore the bottom of my sidebar. While going through my subscriptions to find those links, I noticed I had two sites that supplied free, frequent, short fiction of my genres. I’m not sure if writers who read every day specifically perform better, but I’d guess yes. These are free and entertaining resources. Why not give reading every day a try?


Avenir Eclectia

No, I don’t write for Avenir Eclectia. Not yet. 😉 This is a really neat thing these authors have going.


Daily Science Fiction
Daily Science Fiction is a free e-zine. There’s a flash fiction piece every day Monday through Thursday, and a longer piece on Friday for the weekend. Daily Science Fiction’s name is slightly deceiving: although most of what’s published is science fiction, but fantasy and slipstream are less than shunned.

What impresses me with this e-zine is the quality of the fiction. I can always expect very entertaining and creative works. Reading the day’s flash fiction before I start my daily outlining/worldbuilding/writing/editing opens my mind.


Do you have a favorite place to read your genre?