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Proof I Am a Panster

Evil forget-to-hit-the-final-button-itis. I wrote this yesterday.

A few days ago I heard about this writing challenge called Story A Day. It takes place throughout the month of May, and the goal is to write a complete short story (your definition) each day. The stories can be about anything, so long as you write one a day. “Neat,” I thought, “and during my birthday month too.” I then forgot about it until yesterday afternoon. For some reason I remember. For an odder reason I went to the site. For an odder still reason I joined.

I needed this. Lately I’ve been to to wrapped up in quality to truly write, and I’ve known I’ve needed practice writing concise and complete short stories for a while now. Maybe I’d be more comfortable if I’d actually planned to do Story a Day.

You can keep track of my progress here: I will be posting every day with my progress and other randomness. Feel free to take a peak. I won’t be posting the complete stories I write, just snippets, but maybe you’ll find something useful or entertaining anyway.